
Showing posts from January, 2020

Summary Draft 2

Summary Draft 2 The article "This soft robotic gripper can screw in your light bulbs for you", (2017), a team of engineers at the University of California, San Diego, designed and built a soft robotic grip and its features. The soft robotic gripper can "pick up and manipulate objects without needing to see them and needing to be trained." It has three fingers made of pneumatic chambers which, have multiple degrees of freedom allowing manipulation of the held object. Each finger is covered with a "smart sensing skin made of silicone rubber" with embedded "sensors made of conducting carbon nanotubes". The sensing skin records and detects the nanotubes conductivity changes as the fingers bend. The data is then processed by the control board, which then creates a 3D model of the object the gripper is manipulating.

Summary Draft 1

Summary Draft 1 The article "This soft robotic gripper can screw in your light bulbs for you" introduces how in 2017, a team of engineers at the University of California San Diego designed and built a soft robotic grip and its features. The soft robotic gripper can "pick up and manipulate objects without needing to see them and needing to be trained." It has three fingers made of pneumatic chambers which have many degrees of freedom allowing manipulation of the held object. Each of these three fingers is covered with a smart sensing skin made of silicone rubber with embedded sensors made of conducting carbon nanotubes. The sensing skin records and detects the nanotubes conductivity changes as the fingers bend. The data is then processed by the control board, which then creates a 3D model of the object the gripper is manipulating.
Subject: Self-introduction Dear Professor Brad, My name is Andy Ashley Tan Qing Feng, I am writing this letter as an introductory of myself so you will be able to know more about me. I graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic in 2017 with a Diploma of Aeronautical and Aerospace Technology. Even though I prefer to continue my studies in Aerospace Engineering, I pick Mechanical Engineering is because the course itself gives me a wider variety of choices in engineering field as comapared to Aerospace Engineering. I have an interest in sports, especially soccer and frisbee. Playing sports allows me to destress and keeps my mood in check, enabling me to focus in my studies. The difficulties I have is not being able to complete my sentence and delivering a piece of information properly to a large audience. During national service, I was posted as a trainer and was assigned to conduct a lesson on the components of a tank to a group of cadets. I had difficulties conducting the lesson
Hello everybody! This is my first time blogging!